Spiked Protein Vaccine

Human anti-BV influenza vaccine IgG antibody (BV IgG) ELISA Kit

MBS3809935-10x96StripWells 10x96-Strip-Wells
EUR 6545

Human IgG antibody Laboratories manufactures the spiked protein vaccine reagents distributed by Genprice. The Spiked Protein Vaccine reagent is RUO (Research Use Only) to test human serum or cell culture lab samples. To purchase these products, for the MSDS, Data Sheet, protocol, storage conditions/temperature or for the concentration, please contact Spike Protein. Other Spiked products are available in stock. Specificity: Spiked Category: Protein Group: Vaccine

Human anti-H3N2 influenza vaccine IgG antibody (H3N2 IgG) quantitative detection ELISA Kit

EUR 3325

Human anti-H3N2 influenza vaccine IgG antibody (H3N2 IgG) quantitative detection ELISA Kit

EUR 720

Human anti-BV influenza vaccine IgG antibody (BV IgG) qualitative detection ELISA Kit

EUR 6545

Human anti-BV influenza vaccine IgG antibody (BV IgG) qualitative detection ELISA Kit

EUR 3325

Human anti-BV influenza vaccine IgG antibody (BV IgG) qualitative detection ELISA Kit

EUR 720

Human anti-BY influenza vaccine IgG antibody (BY IgG) qualitative detection ELISA Kit

EUR 6545

Human anti-BY influenza vaccine IgG antibody (BY IgG) qualitative detection ELISA Kit

EUR 3325

Vaccine information

RUTI® Vaccine

VAC-0353 0.5ml
EUR 1598.4
Description: Protein

Vaccine adjuvant-1

HY-160198 Get quote Ask for price
Description: Vaccine adjuvant-1 is an vaccine adjuvant is a vaccine adjuvant containing an oil phase, emulsifying agent and water[1].

Hepatitis A Vaccine

SARS-401 1 vial
EUR 798.4
Description: Protein

Yellow Fever Vaccine

VAC-0339 0.5ml
EUR 1598.4
Description: Protein

Recombinant flagellin FlicC vaccine adjuvant (TLR5 agonist); vaccine adjuvant

AV-7010-50 50 ug
EUR 1074

Rubella Virus Vaccine

VAC-0323 0.5ml
EUR 1598.4
Description: Protein

Purified CRM197 (Diphtheria Toxin mutant) protein vaccine grade

AV-9125-100 100 ug
EUR 416.4

Varicella Vaccine, Live

VAC-0378 0.5ml
EUR 1598.4

Smallpox (Vaccinia) Vaccine, Live

VLP-353 1 vial
EUR 798.4
Description: Protein

Recombinant CDV H Protein (aa 1-607) (strain Convac vaccine)

VAng-Lsx04670-inquire inquire Ask for price
Description: Canine distemper virus (strain Convac vaccine) Hemagglutinin glycoprotein, recombinant protein.

Recombinant BCG Vaccine

PFC-338 1 vial
EUR 798.4
Description: Protein

Mycobacterium w. Vaccine

COV2-370 1 vial
EUR 798.4
Description: Protein

Saponin Vaccine Adjuvant

VAdv-Ly0009 1 g
EUR 1314
Description: Saponin Vaccine Adjuvant, plant-based vaccine adjuvant.

Rabbit Anti-West Nile Virus vaccine (WNV, Recombitek/DNA vaccine) antiserum

WNV13-S 100 ul
EUR 548.4

Vaccine adjuvant-1 (GMP)

HY-160198G Get quote Ask for price
Description: Vaccine adjuvant-1 GMP is Vaccine adjuvant-1 produced by using GMP guidelines. GMP small molecules works appropriately as an auxiliary reagent for cell therapy manufacture. Vaccine adjuvant-1 is an vaccine adjuvant is a vaccine adjuvant containing an oil phase, emulsifying agent and water[1].

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine

H7N7-319 1 vial
EUR 798.4
Description: Protein

Peanut Oil vaccine adjuvant

AV-5010-50 50 ml
EUR 270